My games

Using the Unity game engine and C# programming language, I have created video games both independently and as part of multidisciplinary teams. Whilst my current University course has a specialism in 'design', I have a T-shaped approach to game development wherein I am comfortable working hands-on with other disciplines - being able to produce art, writing, programming, and audio ontop of my main role as a designer.

Having an educational background encompassing a mixture of both the arts and sciences, I can understand the workflow and requirements of many different roles essential for game development. This knowledge of and enthusiasm for all aspects of video game production often allows me to undertake a lead role in group work where I will set regular meetings with an agile workflow and help out individual team members with their work.

The main menu of Split Polarity

Split Polarity - Award-winner 2023

Find a friend and prepare for divisive immateriality and opposing gravity in Split Polarity.

Combining the beloved ball-navigated maze genre with a dangerous dose of arcade anarchy, two scientists spin through strange matters of black holes and forbidden manifolds.

Compete to score as many points as possible by manipulating quantumly questionable mazes to guide your atoms into various temporal anomalies... For science!

Ver 1.0 Released May 16th 2023

Steam release [published by: InkForge Studios]  Released December 15 2023  - Available at:


Split Polarity was my first publicly released game produced as part of a team at University. Featured in the Games Academy Expo 2023, it has received public and professional praise for its originality, wide appeal, accessibility, and simple yet engaging execution. As a result, the game received the Bohemian Brilliance award - awarded for experimental, innovative design and masterful mechanics.

Inspired by maze puzzle dishes and wooden labyrinth games from my childhood, I envisioned a unique twist to bring the party-bag-filler toy into the modern age of gaming.

Whilst I am the lead designer responsible for creating the premise of the game, nothing would have been possible without the combined talents of the programmers and artists that comprised our team; a list of our group can be found on the Split Polarity page, below.


Ver 1.0 download available here:

Players compete for high-scores in versus mode

Labyrinth mode - a unique singeplayer experience


A short, independently created narrative game set in an unknown era of humanity's future where pockets of spacefaring societies rely on mysterious planets made entirely of yolk.

You play as Millett Skiff, a mechanic sent by STERN Enterprises to perform a routine repair of a drill installed to extract yolk from one such planet. But when something inconceivable occurs as you stand beneath the sacred machine, only you can choose the fate of things far above your pay-grade...

You can download a Zip file of the game, here:

R-NA: Game Design Document

I created an example GDD to outline and represent a development aid for an original videogame IP. When beginning a project, I will immediately begin documentation. Through ideation into production and beyond, I believe it is crucial to maintain a living record of a game's development, be it foundational mechanics, licencing information, or DLC pipedreams. Whilst the concept of a 'bible' document cannot support a team as well as a living wiki, it remains useful for early development and concept distribution.

You can view the design document and supporting material here.

Grumble says:

"Watch this space! More games will grace us soon!"